Tunable biodegradable polymers and polymeric nanocomposites from locally available renewable sources

NRC Grant No:20-039

Research Institute:  Dr. S. A. Senevirathne

Area of Research:Biodegradable polymers

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Dr. S. A. Senevirathne
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


Massive usage of single use non-biodegradable polymers has created a huge impact on the environment. A solution which can be adopted effectively and efficiently is needed to overcome the problem by considering the cost effectiveness and the resources available at the national level. Biodegradable polymeric materials with tuned mechanical and thermal properties will be synthesized to mimic the synthetic polymers. This research proposal suggests the use of readily available locally found plant materials and cost-effective carbohydrates to synthesize highly demanding, naturally degradable, environmentally friendly biodegradable polymeric materials with superior physical, chemical and mechanical properties. These eco healthy biodegradable polymeric materials will provide an ideal advancement in packing and storage industries, hence will eliminate the devastating effect of the accumulation of the single use polythene and plastics in Sri Lanka.


1. Synthesis of biodegradable polymer materials suitable for packing and storage materials
from locally available renewable sources. 2. Synthesis of biodegradable nanocomposites using property enhancement materials such as
nano-cellulose, wood dust and clay.

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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