Third Quarter Outreach Programme of the NRC held successfully 2016

A bio-fertilizer which could reduce urea fertilizer usage for rice by 50%

The National Research Council successfully conducted the third quarter outreach programme for 2016, “A bio-fertilizer which could reduce urea fertilizer usage for rice by 50%” which was held at the Rice Research and Development Institution (RRDI), Bathalagoda, on 22nd August 2016.

Resource person: Prof. T.L.S. Tirimanne, Ms. Thilini Perera (Post Graduate Student)

(NRC Grant No: 11-021, University of Colombo, Department of Plant Science)

Target Audience: Representatives from the Government of Sri Lanka (Secretary, Department of Agriculture)

                 Representatives of the Govi Niyamaka (Extension Officer), Govi Jana Sewa and AGA offices

                 Paddy Farmers

                 Economists, Environmentalists, Representatives of Fertilizer Companies

                 News Paper and Media Representatives

Summary: The purpose of the programme was to introduce the developed bio-fertilizer to relevant authorities and farmers and to explain its advantages, both economic and environmental.

The program compared rice crops grown with 100% urea fertilizer application and 50% urea application with the bio-fertilizer. Statistical comparisons of parameters such as 100 grain weight, total filled grain weight, Filled/Non Filled grain ratios of the different applications were explained.

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