Temporal variation of cyanobacterial community in fertilized and long-term unfertilized tropical rice fields
NRC Grant No: 17-058
Research Institute: Wayamba University
Area of Research: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Enzymology

Paddy fields are globally important ecosystems providing food for majority of the world population. Soil N fertility is one of the most important factors to achieve higher rice productivity. However, excessive use of inorganic fertilizers has generated several environmental issues including surface and ground water pollution. Biofertilizers or use of inoculants of bacteria, algae and mychorrhizal fungi are promising alternatives mainly attributed to their biological N-fixing ability. Cyanobacteria (Blue Green algae) inhabit paddy soils and flood water as major N-fixing organisms. Although, use of Cyanobacteria as a biofertilizer has been initiated long ago, field applications are limited due to less success rates of inoculants in the field.
For successful use of cyanobacteria as a biofertilizer in rice fields, an extensive knowledge of the indigenous cyanobacterial community is essential. Thus main objective of the current research is to explore the temporal variation of cyanobacteria with reference to the crop growth stage.
Overall aim
The overall aim of the proposed study is to investigate the temporal variation of cyanobacterial community with respect to crop growth stage and edaphic factors in paddy fields.
Specific objectives:
- To explore the temporal variation of cyanobacterial community in long-term unfertilized rice fields
- To explore the temporal variation of cyanobacterial community in inorganic fertilizer treated rice fields
- To explore the temporal variation of cyanobacterial community in organic fertilizer treated rice fields
- Isolation and identification of culturable Cyanobacterial strains by morphological analysis
- Identification of isolated Cyanobacterial strains by molecular analysis