Synthesis of modified Zeolite for catalytic converting and removal of NOx, SOx and CO from the vehicle exhaust

NRC Grant No:  19-090

Research Institute:  National Institute of Fundamental Studies

Area of Research: Pollutant Remediation

Status:  Ongoing

Start date:12th July 2019

End Date:  12th July 2021

Duration: 21months


Total Budget: Rs. 4,247,000

Principal Investigator

Dr. I. P. L. Jayarathna
National Institute of Fundamental Studies


The increase of traffic flow in cities causes traffic congestion and accidents as well as air pollution. Motor vehicles are a major source of the criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants that are ubiquitous to urban areas in the Sri Lanka and worldwide. In Sri Lanka, Kandy city air is moderately polluted by vehicle exhaust emission. This chemicals and particular matter are mainly responsible for lung cancer some other health problems too. Modern day most of the vehicles build with catalytic convertor. However, catalyst poisoning occurs when the catalytic converter is exposed to exhaust. Therefore, development of zeolite based catalytic system can overcome above problems.
Zeolites are naturally occurring porous crystalline aluminosolicate. Zeolite based selective catalytic reduction method can play major role in reduced several types of exhaust. Synthesized zeolite can be use for reduction of NOx, SO2 and CO. However, unavailability of natural zeolite in Sri Lanka, locally available kaolin clay can be use as initial material for zeolite synthesis. This proposed research activity will expect to make value addition for natural resources (Kaolin) in Sri Lanka by converting them to high demanding end product (Zeolite). This project will open new window for the material development for addressing the environmental issues. There are several natural resources that have been exported to other countries as it is and applying for small and medium scale industries; however, there is no significant effect for value addition. But, having some smaller changes in the processing method, it gives remarkable effect to final products.


i)  Development of a zeolite supported catalyst media for reduces vehicle exhaust emission.

ii) Designing of a vehicle exhaust emission unit to connect with all types of motor vehicles.

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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