Spatial modeling of elephant movement for identification of elephant corridors and prediction of corridor change in case of a disturbance
NRC Grant No: NRC 12-098
Research Institute:
Amount Funded:
Date of Awarded: 2012
End Date:

The research project expected to develop a spatial model for predicting elephant ranging areas and corridors. During the development phase, satellite based telemetry data and Remote sensing data will be used. Remote seining data (basically satellite imageries) is used to derive the environment factors which influence the elephant’s preference to a particular place. Other than satellite images digital elevation model of the study area, environmental and seasonal factors are also used. During the simulation phase basic input data will be the satellite image. Scenarios will be developed based on the elephant group types (male groups, female groups) , seasons, and manmade barriers. As far as possible historical development projects will be developed as scenarios and the results will be compared with the observed effect of such development projects (e.g. Mahaweli Accelerated Development Programme). New scenarios will be developed using the possible development projects such as projects in the pipeline and public requests such as electric fencing proposals. The developed spatial model could be used in projective changes in elephant corridors in situations such as implementation of a development project blocking an existing elephant corridor. Historical evidences shows that major contributor to the Human Elephant conflict prevail in the country is the impact of development projects and specially focusing lightly or totally ignoring the impact of elephant migration patterns. Though the priority given for physical development is higher compared to the conservation of Environment in traditional development paradigm, main reason is the lack of proper tools and methodologies to predict the impact of disturbance on elephant movement patters. This results, miss identification of future elephant corridors. Just demarcating a forest strip to be used by elephants as corridors will not be fruit full as forest is not the only factor which makes elephant to move across. The major strategy in minimizing human elephant conflict is the Elephant Proof Electric Fence. Identification of fence path is a political process rather than a technical process. This tends to erect electric fences in wrong locations and frequently aggravate the problem. Electric Fence is an artificial barrier, and it is also difficult to predict the after effects of a fence in analyzing cost and benefits. This model will be helpful in designing elephant proof electric fences and evaluating scenarios and cost benefits. When implementation of major development projects that have an impact on the Elephant habitat and movement patters, during Environment Impact Assessment process of such projects. The model developed by this study could be used in identification of the impact on elephant movement. Different alternatives could be evaluated and the best alternative could be identified.
- a) To identify the factors affecting elephant movement and their relative contribution to the movement. b) To develop a spatial model that could identify elephant ranging areas. c) To analyse the effects of man-made obstacles on elephant ranging.
Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant
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