Simulation of self-deployable structures made of ultra-thin shells

The proposed research is focused on developing simulation techniques to be used in design improvement of space
structures which is an area explicitly specified under Emerging Technologies identified by the National Research and
Development Framework of Sri Lanka. The proposed work involves collaborators from leading research institutes in the world and hence this will be a massive boost to science and technology capacity building in the country. Though the focus of this research is on space structures the concept developed in simulation of deployment mechanics has wide application in civil engineering structures such has retractable roofs and bridges, temporary structures like tents, etc. Fibre composites are being widely used for retrofitting buildings locally. Understanding the properties of thin woven composite will provide indirect incite in using different epoxies for retrofitting work.
General Objective:
1. Simulate self-deployment behaviour of thin-narrow strips made with pre-identified crosssectional profiles to design lighter deployable structures with higher deployed stiffness
2. Estimate the bending stiffness reduction of thin woven composite using experimental studies
3. Use multi-scale modelling approach to simulate bending stiffness reduction under high
4. Propose a model reduction technique that can switch between 1D (beam) and 2D (shell)
elements to speed up computational models for structures made with long narrow shells