Shift in species composition and diversity of bee pollinators and natural enemies while enhancing crop yield in a highly dynamic agro-natural landscape

Ecosystem services enhanced through biodiversity can replace, complement, or interact synergistically with external inputs such as fertilizers, introduction of pollinator colonies and pesticides. Thus making small adjustments in non-cropped habitats such as adding nectar/pollen producing flower patches can combine the benefits of biodiversity, crop pollination and pest control. Therefore, the present study will investigate how species composition and diversity of bee pollinators and natural enemies would shift their habitat, food resource and nesting grounds while contributing to enhance crop yield in a highly dynamic agro-natural landscape. Upon successful completion, findings can be introduced as a model system for farmers practicing smallholder agriculture using eco-friendly traditional farmer practices. In addition, through proper implementation, such practices would enhance food security, crop production and healthy environment improving the livelihood of the small holder farmers. This model system will also be beneficial for those who practice organic farming for commercial and domestic purposes.
1. Quantify plant species richness, abundance and floral resources (no. of open flowers) in an
abandoned habitat
2. Enumerate species composition and diversity of bees and natural enemies in an abandoned habitat
3. Investigate the change in species composition and diversity of bees and natural enemies in a cropfield interspersed withbee/natural enemy habitats and the surrounding abandoned habitat in t
consecutive years during Yala and Maha seasons
4. Quantify the change in ground nesting bee species composition with changing habitat and resources
5. Assess the change in yield of the crop (both quality and quantity) in three consecutive years during Yala and Maha seasons.