Procurement 2019

Procurement 2019

Grant No Principal Investigator Equipment Status of Procurement Awarded Supplier
19-005 Dr. S. Balakumar (University of Jaffna) Digital Weighing scale
Digital Bp Apparatus
Filing Cabinet Awarded Alpha Industries (Pvt) Ltd
19-006 Prof. K. D. R. Silva NVivo 12 plus software - for 3 computers
(Wayamba University) Leximancer desktop academic software - for 2 computers
Voice recorders (x10)
19-019 Dr. S. Karunaratne Laptop Awarded  Vihanga Technologies
(Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology ) Printer Awarded Metropolitan Computers (Pvt) Ltd
Electronic Storage devices Awarded Global Computer Services
19-028 Prof. B. G. D. N. K. De Silva (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) General incubator (91L)
B.G. Sentinel Mosquito trap
Orbital shaker
Waterbath (5L)
Air incubator
Workstation for bacterial plating
CDC Backpack aspirator
Animal-bait trap (10)
19-032 Dr. M. A. Wijewardane (University of Moratuwa) Workstation to perform the computer simulations Awarded Redline Tech Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
19-033 Dr. K. D. P. P. Gunathilake (Wayamba University) Domestic Refrigerator Awarded Abans PLC
Micropipettes Awarded Scientific Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
Cell counter (hemacytometer) Awarded Scientific Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
Cry storage container
Sonicator Awarded Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
19-040 Dr. S. J. Sooriyaarchchi (University of Moratuwa) Off - the - self drone kit
19-045 Dr. D. N. Subramaniam (University of Jaffna ) Vibration Table
Digital Camera (SLR)
19-046 Prof. S. Seneweera Autoclavable Multichannel pipette Awarded Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
(National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy) Autoclavable Micropipettes Awarded Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
Laboratory Balance Awarded Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd
19-050 Dr. P. S. Perera Double beam UV Visible multi-cuvette spectrophotometer
(University of Kelaniya) Vertical Gel electrophoresis apparatus
19-051 Dr. L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundera (University of Kelaniya) Solar Simulator Awarded Sigma Delta Technologies (Pvt) Ltd
19-052 Dr. R. P. Hettiarachchi Analytical Balance
(Rubber Research Institute) pH meter
19-054 Dr. P. Senadheera Computer Data storage device for bioinformatics
(The Open University of Sri Lanka) Tissue grinder /homogenizer
19-058 Dr. Y. D. Siriwardana (University of Colombo) Laptop computer
Scientific calculators and a mobile phone
19-061 Dr. R. A. S. W. Ranasinghe (National Herbarium, Department of National Botanic Gardens) 13-inch MacBook Pro-2017
19-062 Dr. T. D. Silva Gel documentation system with an image capture software
(University of Colombo) Micro-tube homogenizer, prefilled tubes with standard stainless steel beads
Vertical electrophoresis unit
19-065 Dr. H. Tissera (National Dengue Control Unit, Ministry of Health ) Biosafety cabinet (NDCU)
Portable colourimeter  
2 sets of micropipettes
Prokopack aspirators 
Bugdorm cages  
Double net traps    
InsectaVac Aspirator 
Plastic larval trays
19-072 Prof. H. M. S. K. Herath (Uva Wellassa University) Reciprocal Shaker
Automated Weather Station (locally assembled)
19-075 Dr. A. Vengadaramana (University of Jaffna) Rotary Evaporator Awarded Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd
Water bath Awarded Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd
Autoclave Awarded Microtech Biological (Pvt) Ltd
Soxhlet Apparatus Awarded Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd
Digital Oven
19-080 Dr. B. K. R. P.Rodrigo (University of Moratuwa) Computational workstation with GPUs
Laptop computers
UPS to power the workstation
19-081 Dr. N. Wijayathilaka (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) Freezer Awarded Softlogic Retail (Pvt) Ltd
Macro Lens (Canon EF100 mm F 2.8 L IS) Awarded Cameralk (Pvt) Ltd
DSLR camera (Canon 6D mark II) Awarded Camoron Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
Macro twin light flash Awarded Cameralk (Pvt) Ltd
Personnel computer Awarded Acecom (Pvt) Ltd
Printer Awarded Techzone (Pvt) Ltd
19-089 Dr. D. R. A. Dissanayake (University of Peradeniya) Refrigerated microcentrifuge Awarded Lionchem (Pvt) Ltd
benchtop incubator 40L Awarded Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd
Heat block Awarded Mimotech Biological (Pvt) Ltd
Blue Light Transilluminator Awarded Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd
19-090 Dr. I. P. L. Jayarathna (National Institute of Fundamental Studies ) Gas flow meter
Gas mixture
Temperature control Unit
Diaphragm air pump (Two units)
Anti-seize heating elements
Air circulation pump
Pressure gauge
Dewar flask for liquid nitrogen store and handling
Rotary/Vacuum pump
19-092 Dr. P. L. Dharmapriya (University of Peradeniya) Protable core drilling machine
Extinguish geological Hammers (4lb & 3lb)
PIXMA G1000 - Refillable Ink Tank Printer
LIDE 220 Canon scanner
19-095 Dr. W. L. I. Wijesekara (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis unit Awarded Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd
Micropippettes (10 µl, 20 µl, 100 µl and 1000 µl) with tips
SEO Nedir
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