Private-Public Partnership Programe

Advances in R&D in S&T will lead to development of value-added products and services that are competitive in the global market, and which will form an essential pillar of Sri Lanka’s envisaged economic development aimed at becoming the Wonder of Asia. To accomplish this goal, research carried out in Sri Lanka needs to be demand-driven by addressing the needs of key industries of the country, which are expected to drive the economy forward.

The Public-Private–Partnership (PPP) programme is to build on local strength by networking key players in R & D activities and industries to contribute towards the economic development of the country. Promoting R&D in S&T should lead to economic development by way of increasing exports, diversifying exports, and promoting import substitutes. All innovative research leading to the development of new or better products, processes, services, value addition and solving technical problems with commercial potential will be considered for this programme. Meaningful partnerships between the different sectors will enable us to share our research expertise, cost, services and facilities more effectively to develop solutions for industry R&D needs. The partnerships will also improve efficiency of public R&D activities and reduce the time horizon for it. The Private sector participation is encouraged by providing tax concessions in relation to R&D expenditure undertaken by an enterprise with public sector partnership. The NRC will interface between government – local institute – ministries –University – R & D Institutes – corporate sector- SME sector in providing research based solutions to national needs.

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PPP EOI Concept Note Format 2024

PPP EOI Concept Note Format 2023


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