Investigation of crop water usage and soil hydrological dynamics of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) and rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) plantations in the low country wet of Sri Lanka

NRC Grant No: 20-098

Research Institute:  Dr. D. N. Vidana Gamage   

Area of Research: Soil hydrological dynamics

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Dr. D. N. Vidana Gamage
University of Peradeniya


R.S. Dharmakeerthi
Wasantha Senevirathna
Dushan Kumarathunga
Asoka Nugawela


Despite a growing concern about the impacts of oil palm expansion on environmental sustainability in rubber plantations in Sri Lanka, no systematic studies have examined and quantified the impacts of oil palm cultivation on the hydrological dynamics. This study will characterize and quantify crop water usage and soil hydrological dynamics in the oil palm–rubber cropping systems of Sri Lanka. This research will generate highly original findings on crop water usage and hydrological dynamics in the oil palm–rubber cropping system under local climatic and soil and, management scenarios. The knowledge generated from the project will aid to explain if the introduction of oil palm into the rubber cropping system has altered the hydrological fluxes such as soil water storage, evapotranspiration, and ground water level. This information is crucial for the water planners, environmental specialists, and planters above all. Furthermore, successful completion of this project will require to validate the findings through multiple studies in various agro-ecological areas. Finally, the results of multiple studies will aid the policy makers to come up with appropriate recommendations on future expansion of oil palm plantations in the country. Indeed, this study will explain the mechanisms related to potential hydrological changes in the oil palm–rubber cropping systems in the low country wet zone of Sri Lanka. The overall findings will be complemented by a number of individual findings in both the theoretical and practical grounds that are important and crucial for precision management of agricultural and environmental resources.


Main objective:
1. To characterize and quantify the crop water usage and soil hydrological dynamics of the oil palm–rubber cropping system and their dominant controls at multiple temporal scales to better understand the underlying mechanisms related to the potential hydrological changes in the cropping system in the low country wet zone of Sri Lanka.

Specific objectives:
a).To quantify & compare the crop water usage & soil hydrological dynamics of the oil palm–rubber cropping system of the low country wet zone of Sri Lanka.
b).To identify the dominant controls of soil hydrological dynamics of the oil palm–rubber cropping system of the low country wet zone of Sri Lanka.
c).To quantify the effects of the dominant controls on soil hydrology in the oil palm–rubber cropping system of the low country wet zone of Sri Lanka.

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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