Increasing the value of sea cucumber harvests by improving postharvest processing and marketing

NRC Grant No:    NRC 15-050

Research Institute: 

Amount Funded:   

Date of Awarded:  2018

End Date: 

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Dr D.C.T. Dissanayake
University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Bêche-de-mer is exclusively an export-oriented fishing industry practiced in Sri Lanka for several centuries and bulk of the export goes to Singapore. There is a gradual increase of both export quantities and value of bêche-de-mer during recent years.

The market demand for bêche-de-mer mainly fluctuates with species and product quality which mainly includes size, shape, appearance, colour, odour, packing and moisture content. Subsequently, the quality of bêche-de-mer primarily depends on postharvest processing techniques. In Sri Lanka, wide variety of sea cucumber processing techniques are practiced at present but inadequate knowledge and absence of proper training on postharvest processing have led to produce poor quality bêche-de-mer loosing considerable amount of foreign income. Therefore, the best method(s) of postharvest processing of sea cucumbers needs to be evaluated in order to sustain the livelihood of thousands of small-scale fishers as well as to maximize the profit of this industry.

Fishing pressure on existing stocks is likely to intensify in the future as demand remains strong and the use of SCUBA gear becomes more popular and widespread. The ability of the sea cucumber resources to withstand additional fishing pressure is uncertain hence strong management measures need be implemented to reduce further depletion of this valuable resource. It is vital to couple improved or best method(s) of postharvest processing closely with sea cucumber management measures as improved processing would potentially help to reduce the fishing pressure on the sea cucumber stocks by initiating a substantially higher income for fishers from a smaller harvest.

It seems that both processors and exporters do not have proper understanding on current market structure hence improvement of postharvest processing would not sufficient for profit maximization. So this study will analyze current market structure in detailed, identify strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats and provide a base for improving current marketing chain(s) in order to maximize the profit generated from this valuable industry.

Finally, proximate composition of fresh and processed sea cucumbers will be analyzed to elucidate nutritional composition of each species and to understand how different processing methods affect on nutritional value of bêche-de-mer.


There are three main objectives in this study

i. Technically and scientifically evaluate the existing sea cucumber processing methods in Sri Lanka and identify strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of each processing method in order to improve the existing methods or to identify better processing method(s) to improve the quality of bêche-de-mer to international standards

ii. Study the fluctuations of bêche-de-mer demand, local trends in production and supply, potential harvests, value chain and marketing strategies in order to identify current market structure, critical steps in each marketing channel and recommend appropriate measures to improve current marketing structure to maximize the profit.

Evaluate proximate composition of fresh and processed sea cucumbers to elucidate nutritional composition of each species and to identify how different processing methods affect on nutritional value of bêche-de-mer.

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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