Improving effectiveness of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to meet the 21st century challenges

NRC Grant No: 17-064

Research Institute: University of Moratuwa

Area of Research: eLearning

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

M. S. Dewsiri Fernando
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Moratuwa


This research aimed to increase effectiveness of MOOCs by identifying, designing and implementing a learning intervention using Design Based Research (DBR) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methodology. MOOCs are trending education technology which universities can benefices in terms of students learning and resource sharing.
However, MOOCs are challenged as it has only lower completion rates. At the same time it does not provide competencies of 21st century skills. We in this research will implement learning interventions to support the collaboration and interactions which directly impact to 21st century skills.
We will use an open source MOOC platform and develop courses in local university and open to public where any interest person can learn. It will be the country’s first ever MOOC created from University of Moratuwa. On top of the live course we execute learning interventions which would increase students interactivity and collaborateveness.
Collaborative actions / group work in MOOCs are still under represented research where this project will result countries first MOOC platform with a live open course.


C.4.1. Identify what factors could improve MOOCs effectiveness.
C.4.2. Using the identified factors, design a prototype of system using Human Computer Interaction Techniques
– Enhance Peer reviewing with meaningful interactions
– Discover a group theory to find optimal peers to collaborate
C.4.3 Create a MOOC course using Local university content and evaluate the Designed system

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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