Identification and characterization of major pathogens in grape cultivation and improving the grape production by managing major diseases through ecofriendly control measure

The dry zone region of Sri Lanka has suitable climatic and soil conditions to cultivate grape vines. But the local production is not sufficient and annually about one billion rupees worth table grapes are imported to the country. So Such costly imports can be significantly reduced, if the potential for domestic production is realized and find out effective solutions to problems encountered. However, the annual extent of grape cultivation has reduced in recent years due to uncontrollable diseases and pest attacks. Similar to other countries, excessive application of chemical pesticides is being normal practice in grape cultivation. With this background, the present work aims to enhance grape production through application of eco-friendly methods to manage major fungal diseases. Various alternative control measures, including simple cultural practices and utilizing microbial and plant natural sources, will be screened in plant house and in field conditions, and based on the selected methods a package of eco-friendly control measures will be developed for use of farmers in commercial cultivation.
1. To collect information regarding the disease management practices adapted by grape farmers in Jaffna.
2. To identify and characterize major pathogens which cause severe diseases in grapevine.
3. To compare the efficacy of currently available chemical pesticides and several plant or microbes based alternative control measures against the major pathogens in grapes.
4. To determine the feasibility of introducing eco-friendly management practices in grape cultivation.