Engineering Microbial Ecology in Agroecosystem via Bio-encapsulation of Microbial Communities to Improve Soil Health and Fertility

Econometric analysis have indicated that a significant relationship exists between gross domestic production (GDP) and soil degradation. In Sri Lanka, the agriculture sector contribution to GDP is around 10% and export earning is around 25%, in the year 2014. 33% of the rural population directly involved in agriculture while 70% of them indirectly linked with the agriculturerelated income sources. However, it has been estimated that in Sri Lanka, 44% of soil undergoes some level of soil fertility depletion. Consequently, the loss of soil fertility is one of the critical areas that could negatively influence economic sustainability and future economic development in the country. The microbial inoculant provide novel means to improve soil quality and health. It helps to mitigate the depletion in soil microbial communities that intensified due to Intense use of anthropogenic inputs. Such a product can be used as an alternative for chemical fertiliser, and successful product will save billions of foreign exchange that spend on fertiliser. Further, the product can be used to fulfil the demand for efficient biofertilizer, and this provides a solid platform for toxic-free agriculture. Successful project outputs can be directly commercialised. However, process scaling up need further research and development. The proposal also provides an opportunity for a graduate student to continue his master’s studies. Thus the project offers an opportunity for training and capacity building.
1. To identification of soil microbial communities that can enhance the soil quality and soil
2. To characterise and classify the identified microbial communities
3. To bio-encapsulate plant growth-promoting bacteria, bacterial communities to develop
spatially linked microbial communities
4. To synthesis of spatially linked microbial consortia that can improve the soil quality and soil