Effects of environmental fluoride, hardness and heavy metal (Cd, Pb, As) exposures to the cow milk and their kidney function in CKDu endemic areas of Sri Lanka

Highest risk for Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology [cause] (CKDu) has observed in the North Central
Province (NCP), among people of the country.Recent studies have shown that, certain environmental exposures (Fluoride, hardness and heavy metals) have positive influence for CKDu.
In this study arca,(NCP)represents 12.5% of the total cattle population of the country. Out of tha t. 42% of the callle farms arc managed under extensive management system.Therefore, animals are moved to grazing lands especially near the tanks and reservoirs in the morning and they are moved 10 the cattle shed in the evening.Thus, in this study we are planning to conduct a very informative research work by analyzing accessible drinking water sources, pasture, milk and blood parameters of the cows in CKDu high risk areas with reference to control areas. Hence, it will be able to raise vital outcomes, by addressing the research problems mentioned above [(i) & (ii)]. These outcomes could be very much beneficial for farmers, milk consumers, researchers, medkal personals, policy makers etc. Thus, this research will result in many health benefits for both human and animal health, under one health approach as well.
01) To identify the levels of Fluoride, Calcium, Magnesium and heavy metals (Cd, As, Pb) in
drinking water and pasture, which are accessible for extensively managed cows in CKDu high
prevalence areas.
02) To detect the levels of Fluoride, Calcium, Magnesium and heavy metals (Cd, As,Pb) in the blood circulation of cows which are raring associate with drinking water sources and pasture lands mentioned under objective I and status of the kidney function of particular cows.
03) To identify the possibility of transferring higher concentration of Fluoride, Calcium, Magnesium and heavy metals (Cd, As,Pb) to the consumers through cow milk.