Development of baseline soil information system for soil C and other nutrients for paddy growing soils in Sri Lanka
NRC Grant No: 17-011
Research Institute: National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy
Area of Research: Soil Biology

In consideration of the importance as well as the long term stability of soil stored C it is essential to fill this gap of knowledge on soil C-sequestration in Sri Lanka with respect to the country’s carbon budget. Studies on carbon sequestration have become a modern global trend after the Kyoto protocol in 1997 for carbon trading. Total annual emissions in many countries are to be covered through trading, using carbon credits. The clean development mechanism is currently offered for afforestation and reforestation projects and it is expected that it will be extended to C sequestration in agricultural soils in the future.
The main output of this study will be a digital soil map showing the distribution of soil C stocks, its fractions and nutrient cations of paddy soils in Sri Lanka which ultimately provide baseline information related to these soil properties. If the research is completed successfully, the information generate will be utilized to establish national carbon accounting system in future. Therefore the proposal submitted herewith is a research proposal to embark upon a project that has a potential contribution towards the country’s economy and for maintain the economic and environmental sustainability.
- Calculate and assess the current status of SOC, its fractions and C stocks in paddy soils of Sri Lanka
- Assess the current status of macro (N,P,Ca,Mg& K) and micro nutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu & Mn) and soil properties in paddy soils.
- Study the relationships between availability of soil nutrients (Macro and Micro nutrients considered in the study) and soil properties with SOC and its fractions
- Assess the spatial variability of the soil properties and map them across the landscape with quantified uncertainties