Design and Implementation of Microenvironment Conditions for Tea and Ornamental Foliage Plants using Precision Agriculture Systems Powered by Solar Photovoltaics

Considering the myriad of technology options that are being used in different agriculture settings, this
proposal is to introduce the combination of PV with plant production particularly in nursery settings for
greater productivity and quality using PV techniques and efficient LED lighting systems. The required
optimum light intensity and spectral composition will be investigated for different plants so that the
photosynthesis is maintained at optimum and hence plant growth and productivity is maximum, thereby
producing a high-quality planting material in a shorter period of time. The additional energy generated by
AV systems will be utilized for the provision of micro climatic conditions such as required relative
humidity, and temperature, and inputs such as irrigation/ fertigation under enclosed conditions.
Considering the importance of competing with international competitive markets to secure additional certifications, labels and price premium, tea and floriculture are selected for this investigation. Light intensity and quality (spectral composition) are important productivity and quality determinants in tea and floriculture plants, as they are directly related to primary and secondary metabolism of plants.
We will develop a nursery setting with a closed loop PA and LED lighting systems that are powered by AV. Similar setting will be developed using the conventional methods for comparison. This comparative study will particularly look at growth and quality standards, the cost of production per planting material, the level of causalities, nursery period, and profits. A number of small prototypes of the modern nursery setting will be developed before the field deployment.
- The main objective of the proposed research is to fabricate and evaluate an AV canopy with a closed loop AP and LED systems suitable for growing high quality tea and ornamental foliage nursery plants in a shorter duration, mother plants of tea and ornamental foliage plants, and mature tea for higher yield and quality.
The specific objectives of the proposed research are as follows:
1. Investigate different climate-resilient PV canopy designs for tea and foliage nursery systems which
are both practical, cost-effective and energy efficient.
2. Implementing an artificial LED system to enhance both quality and quantity of the selected crops
using sustainable green energy source
3. Implementing a PA system for controlling the RH and temperature of the nursery plants, especially
tea and foliage plants
4. Quantify the impact of the proposed design on the growth and quality of nursery tea and foliage
plants grown under glasshouse conditions
5. Quantify the impact of the proposed design on the growth and quality of planting material
production of tea and foliage plants
6. Quantify the impact of a proposed design on productivity and quality of field-grown, mature tea