Cinnamon essential oil nanocapsules incorporated starch based food packaging with antimicrobial properties.

NRC Grant No: 22-047

Research Institute:  University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Area of Research: post-harvest protection

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Dr Rukshani Haputhanthri
Open University of Sri Lanka


Fossil fuel based plastic are nonbiodegradable. Pollution from these plastics affects human health, wildlife and environments. The bioplastics has a low-carbon footprint and contributes to the circular bio-economy.
Biodegradable plastics breakdown completely in the environment. Therefore the landfill areas can be used for agriculture, residence or industrial applications.
Promoting research for innovative bioplastics connects with the government policies with a green and sustainable future concept. For example, as a result of Paris agreement Sri Lanka formulated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) including banning single-use plastics since July 2021.
Starch can be used to synthesize bioplastic. Advantages of Starch are cost-effectiveness, excellent filmforming abilities, large availability, renewable resources, and biodegradability.
Cinnamon essential oil (CEO) has the antibacterial activity against the diseases and degradation of food and cosmetics.
Following investigation focuses on incorporation of CEO into starch based packaging material for food packaging to increase the shelf life of meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. This will lower the lipid oxidation and microbial growth and increase red colour stability in meat products.
This product is suitable for single use food packaging applications. Thus if this research is successful, the product can be commercialized. The institutions that can implement the findings are the large scale food processors and exporters in the market such as Pussalla Meat Producers (Pvt) Ltd, Chenish International (Pvt) Ltd, D&W Food Product (PVT) Ltd, Kadurata D & D Export Pvt Ltd, and International Foodstuff Company Agri Bio Tech Pvt Ltd

This is only a lab scale investigation, Even Benchtop pilot scale investigation can be performed. However, The scale-up of the technology from laboratory to the pilot plant level, optimization of the process and commercialization need additional research efforts and funding.


(1) To prepare and characterize of CEO incorporated starch for food packaging
(2) To test antimicrobial activity
(3) To evaluate of mechanical thermal and chemical propoerties
(4) To test compostability

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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