Characterization of proteins from underutilized Sri Lankan seaweeds and application as protein alternatives in bakery foods
Area of Research: Marine Biochemistry

Blue biotechnology and blue economy represent the sustainable utilization of marine bio-resources. In Sri Lanka, seaweed resource is currently underutilized and only one introduced seaweed species is cultivated for export market. However, seaweeds are consumed in the other countries as a nutritional source specially rich in proteins. In the proposed project, an scientific understanding of the diversity of novel proteins from Sri Lankan seaweeds to be gained and knowledge on their potential commercial applications toward the development of novel bakery food products enriched with seaweed proteins in Sri Lanka to be introduced. The cultivation of protein rich seaweeds will be helpful to make new employments to the country and generates an additional income to the fisheries community of Sri Lanka as well. Moreover, people will be able to enjoy more nutritious bakery foods with high protein and other seaweed nutrients.
The objectives of this research program are to;
1. Perform a detailed chemical analysis and characterization of proteins from underutilized seaweeds of Sri Lanka.
2. Utilize them as alternative protein sources in bakery foods such as cookies, cup-cakes, and breads.
Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant
Reciprocal Shaker
Automated Water Station