Assess the suitable conditions for sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (sandfish) in northern Sri Lanka.

NRC Grant No:  22-036

Research Institute:  University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Area of Research: Sea cucumber culture

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Dr. D.C.T. Dissanayake
University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Sea cucumbers, one of the export-oriented fishery products from Sri Lanka for centuries, have been subjected to many challenges, including resource depletion, in the last two decades. As the development of the sea cucumber fishery has been categorized under the priority areas of the national development plans of Sri Lanka, many initiatives have been taken to develop and manage this valuable resource, and sea cucumber farming is one such initiative.

Sea cucumber farming is currently confined to northern Sri Lanka, and the government plans to expand this activity further as a community practice under the concept of ‘sea cucumber village’ in order to generate more livelihood opportunities for coastal people. Therefore, this research aims to identify the most appropriate conditions for sea cucumber farming, which is a serious issue in current farming practices. Many factors such as water quality parameters, bottom habitat conditions, and sediment conditions of sea cucumber farms will be analyzed in order to identify optimum conditions for the growth of sea cucumbers, thereby suitable culture sites and culture conditions will be recommended. The nutritional quality of farmed sea cucumbers will be compared with wild-collected sea cucumbers, in order to promote sea cucumber production from aquaculture.

Environmental impacts associated with intensive sea cucumber farming will be assessed and recommendations made to introduce sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture practices.

The findings will be disseminated to sea cucumber farmers through training workshops and the ministry of fisheries can implement regulations, monitoring, and follow-up actions. PRINCIPAL


To assess the effectiveness of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) on preventing major lower limb amputation in
patients with critical limb ischaemia not suitable for revascularization.
Secondary objectives
1. To assess the rate of wound healing in patients with non-revascularizable chronic limb threatening ischaemia
2. To assess the reduction of rest pain in patients with non-revascularizable chronic limb threatening
3. To assess the overall mortality

Major Equipment Facilitated by Grant

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