NRC 2nd National Research Symposium 2023

NRC 2nd National Research Symposium 2023

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  • February 20, 2024
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Coinciding with the World Science Day celebrations, the NRC hosted the 2nd National Research Symposium on the 13th & 14th November 2023. The symposium’s objective was to create a platform for sharing of new knowledge and experiences among the academics, industry experts and general public on scientific developments and to emphasize the significance of science in finding solutions for the multifaceted challenges we face.

Prof. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake, Chair and Senior Professor in the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine of University of Colombo delivered the keynote speech of the Symposium inaugural session, providing insights into the advances, benefits and challenges of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and genomics in healthcare. The first day of the 2nd National Research Symposium included presentations related to medical sciences and agricultural sciences. The clinical and molecular basis of sickle cell disease, genetic profiling of “Veddahs”, and mangrove plants as a source of bioactive compounds are some of the interesting topics presented on Day 01. The hybrid event drew several attendees joining virtually via Zoom.

Prof. Thakshala Seresinhe, Emeritus Professor of University of Ruhuna delivered the keynote lecture of the second day of the National Research Symposium. Her speech, “A climate resilient dairy sector for food security” illustrated the importance of improved practices and technologies towards better dairy productivity and reduction in emission intensity in Sri Lanka. Day 02 of the National Research Symposium comprised presentations related to environment and engineering technology. Phytoremediation of aquatic macrophytes, cuprous oxide homo-junction solar cells, and secure software engineering are a few stimulating subjects discussed on the second day. A huge thank you to all who attended, presented, listened, and supported the great effort to make the symposium possible. The National Research Council is honored to work with such a strong community of dedicated professionals and we look forward to our next symposium in 2024!

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