Establishment of a geomagnetic filed measuring station in Sri Lanka

NRC Grant No:    16-098  

Research Institute:  University of Colombo

Area of Research: Atmospheric Physics & Lightning Physics; Astronomy

Status:  Ongoing

Principal Investigator

Prof. K.P.S.Chandana Jayaratne
Department of Physics
University of Colombo


The magnetic data acquisition system(MAGDAS) given to Colombo University on February 26th, 2016 by Space and Earth Electromagnetism Laboratory, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Sciences, Kyushu University , Japan will be installed close to the geomagnetic equator(dip equator) which is now crossing Sri Lanka in the already selected site. One hour measurements were taken in several locations close to the places in dip equator till a place with field variations less than 400 nanotesla is found. The installation requires metal free construction of two cement enclosures each of 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 m size pit, one for the magnetometer and other for the amplifier (about 5 m away from the magnetometer) in an open land with no house or a road with moving vehicles at least 200 m away from the location. Magnetometer to be aligned to get minimum errors on X, Y and Z components of the magnetic field. A cable from the amplifier will be 200 m long and it will be connected to a data logger inside a safe place in a house with electricity supply. A 4G router will be connect to the data logger for continuous uploading of data to MAGDAS world network. 12V car battery to be connected for continues uninterrupted uploading of data and the functioning of the instrument I power failures. Surge protectors (SPDs) to be fixed to the power supply to prevent lightning damages. A GPS instrument to be mounted on the roof top of the house and connect to the data logger for location and accurate timing of transmitting data. Once our data are supplied to the international network we can share data from other stations in the world. Data analysis will be done to study the magnetic field variation patterns and to understand the influence of solar activity on those variation


General Objectives

The main objectives of this research program will be

 Establishment of a geomagnetic filed measuring station in Sri Lanka close to the dip equator to provide valuable geomagnetic field data to strengthen the world data base by continuous streaming of data to MAGDAS world data base.

 Study the position and movement of the equatorial electro jet over Sri Lanka

 Investigate the relationship between EEJ variation and solar activity will be studied.

 Understand the causative mechanism of counter electrojet and the parameters involved in the day-to-day variability of electrojet strength.

Specific Objective

 Establishment of a geomagnetic filed measuring station in Sri Lanka close to the dip equator to provide valuable geomagnetic field data to strengthen the world data base by continuous streaming of data to MAGDAS world data base while strengthening the postgraduate research capabilities within the field of space science in Sri Lanka related to geomagnetism.

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